Saturday, April 3

Feature Film / / New Girlfriend

"New Girlfriend" is a feature film by Twisted Head Creations. I am involved in that project as a 2nd cameraman, special effects artist, and a colorist.

Music Video for Atesh K.

Atesh. K is a Cypriot techno DJ and producer. Also, he is one of the founders of the electronic music duo called "Deep" of which I am a member as well as a VJ. This piece of animation was created by me for his song called "Sunrise". Concept is, the birth and death of a star in some galaxi. This video is a sample.

Sunrise sample video

3D Shooter Animation For a Feature Film

In December '09 - January and February '10, I worked on the(?) post-production of a feature film called "Hero Shy" by the production company "Twisted Head Creations". This piece of animation was created by me for a scene where a boy plays a 3D shooter game. This animation was composited on TV screen.

Software: Adobe Photoshop, After Effects

The Game UI

The Game Scene

Sunday, January 17

Short Animation Project

Idea is based on Paul Virilio's "images contaminate us like viruses" quote. The story is about the massive power of media over human race and what effects it can have.

I'm planing to finish this short in 2010.

Software: Apple Motion, Adobe After Effects and Photoshop

Short Ani. Project

Music video project for the "The Prodigy"

When I saw the bulletin on Myspace that said The Prodigy is giving a chance to people to make a video for their song "Running With The Wolves", I came up with some ideas and designed some wolf faced characters. Then I started to experimenting with some videos that I had already used in my previous works.

The green screen video bit was done in Cyprus. Later, I used a video that I shot in Ayr, Scotland. I composed these two videos and replaced the man's face with the face of a wolf.

Camera: HDR-HC9
Software: Final Cut Pro, Apple Motion

Running With The Wolves / / Test

Personal project of Valentina Vettini

Valentina Vettini is a Glasgow based young make-up artist. Currently, we are working on a promotional video to demonstrate her in action. This small documentary type video will consist of several photo shoot sessions and will include the pre-process and interviews with Valentina Vettini and the crew.

Camera: Sony HDR-HC9
Software: Final Cut Studio

Valentina Vettini / / trailer

Sunday, December 13

Omac Cin Plaza ad.

As far as I'm concerned, this was my first commercial work in 2008. I made three videos to show on the Omac Cin Plaza's opening day on several HD televisions as a loop.

Software: Apple Motion

Omac Cin Plaza / / 1
Omac Cin Plaza / / 2
Omac Cin Plaza / / 2

Saturday, December 12

Cyprus to Scotland t r i p

I shot some moments during my trip to Scotland > AYR.

Camera: Sony HDR HC9
Software: Final Cut Studio

UK t r i p

Atesh K / / Ambush V I S U A L

This video used in Atesh K. 's audio/visual performance that was sponsored by Pioneer DVJ.

I used two lines and gave them a motion to show when a bar starts and ends. Also they move according to treble sounds. Poligon at the center, shows the metronome of the song and I used a small circle for bass.

Software: Apple Motion

Atesh K. / / A M B U S H

Funky Monkey / / W E B ad.

I have made this ad for my ex-cover band Funkey Monkey to promote band in some websites.

At that time, motion graphics started to take my attention so i wanted to make this ad in that way.

Software: Apple Motion, Adobe Photoshop.

Funkey Monkey / / w e b ad.

Thursday, December 10

Emre Pehlivan / / T E A S E R video

I have made this teaser video for Emre Pehlivan's debut album release. The album is called "Darkness and Smoke". So i tried to make a video that suited the name of the album.

The challenge was that I didn’t want to use the camera manually, because this would allow for shakes in video and it’s not easy to get rid of them in post production. In addition to that, I couldn’t get that “artistic” shadows in artist's face without any spotlights. So I decided make use of the green screen as much as I could. I used my lights to just illuminate Emre and the green screen, then I added the lights and the camera movements in post-production.

Camera: Sony HDR-HC9
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro

Karanlik ve Duman / / t e a s e r

Welcome to my Blog


Hi there,

This video has been my first music video" production attempt. The song is written and performed by Cahit Kutrafali who is a famous bass player, and Ugur Guclu played cajon and drums. Video is known as the first enstrumental music video in Cyprus.

We met at a music recording studio for the video shooting, and until that moment, we didn’t have any plans as to how to shoot the video. As a matter of fact, I had not even listened the song. After a small set-up with two small garden lights, I shot each of them twice, as far as I can remember, that is, from as much different camera angles as I could, because the room was quite small.

Camera: Sony HDR HC9
Software: Final Cut Pro

Cahit Kutrafali / / D E T A I L S