Thursday, December 10

Emre Pehlivan / / T E A S E R video

I have made this teaser video for Emre Pehlivan's debut album release. The album is called "Darkness and Smoke". So i tried to make a video that suited the name of the album.

The challenge was that I didn’t want to use the camera manually, because this would allow for shakes in video and it’s not easy to get rid of them in post production. In addition to that, I couldn’t get that “artistic” shadows in artist's face without any spotlights. So I decided make use of the green screen as much as I could. I used my lights to just illuminate Emre and the green screen, then I added the lights and the camera movements in post-production.

Camera: Sony HDR-HC9
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro

Karanlik ve Duman / / t e a s e r

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