Sunday, December 13

Omac Cin Plaza ad.

As far as I'm concerned, this was my first commercial work in 2008. I made three videos to show on the Omac Cin Plaza's opening day on several HD televisions as a loop.

Software: Apple Motion

Omac Cin Plaza / / 1
Omac Cin Plaza / / 2
Omac Cin Plaza / / 2

Saturday, December 12

Cyprus to Scotland t r i p

I shot some moments during my trip to Scotland > AYR.

Camera: Sony HDR HC9
Software: Final Cut Studio

UK t r i p

Atesh K / / Ambush V I S U A L

This video used in Atesh K. 's audio/visual performance that was sponsored by Pioneer DVJ.

I used two lines and gave them a motion to show when a bar starts and ends. Also they move according to treble sounds. Poligon at the center, shows the metronome of the song and I used a small circle for bass.

Software: Apple Motion

Atesh K. / / A M B U S H

Funky Monkey / / W E B ad.

I have made this ad for my ex-cover band Funkey Monkey to promote band in some websites.

At that time, motion graphics started to take my attention so i wanted to make this ad in that way.

Software: Apple Motion, Adobe Photoshop.

Funkey Monkey / / w e b ad.

Thursday, December 10

Emre Pehlivan / / T E A S E R video

I have made this teaser video for Emre Pehlivan's debut album release. The album is called "Darkness and Smoke". So i tried to make a video that suited the name of the album.

The challenge was that I didn’t want to use the camera manually, because this would allow for shakes in video and it’s not easy to get rid of them in post production. In addition to that, I couldn’t get that “artistic” shadows in artist's face without any spotlights. So I decided make use of the green screen as much as I could. I used my lights to just illuminate Emre and the green screen, then I added the lights and the camera movements in post-production.

Camera: Sony HDR-HC9
Software: Adobe Photoshop, Apple Motion, Final Cut Pro

Karanlik ve Duman / / t e a s e r

Welcome to my Blog


Hi there,

This video has been my first music video" production attempt. The song is written and performed by Cahit Kutrafali who is a famous bass player, and Ugur Guclu played cajon and drums. Video is known as the first enstrumental music video in Cyprus.

We met at a music recording studio for the video shooting, and until that moment, we didn’t have any plans as to how to shoot the video. As a matter of fact, I had not even listened the song. After a small set-up with two small garden lights, I shot each of them twice, as far as I can remember, that is, from as much different camera angles as I could, because the room was quite small.

Camera: Sony HDR HC9
Software: Final Cut Pro

Cahit Kutrafali / / D E T A I L S